Achieving Enterprise Excellence
Lean Process Optimization
JIT Consulting Limited - developed the Lean Manufacturing program as an intensive five-days program focusing specifically on world's best lean manufacturing processes and how understand the need to change and how to recognize and eliminate waste.
The LMP are five modules course, VVFPP, each module in one day a week, including lean video and simulation to ensure from fully understanding of lean tools, techniques and how applying lean tools to achieve the best results to change to lean organization.
JIT Consulting Team /Experts will lead you through Lean Manufacturing program to implement lean in Organization and show you how to Lead and manage change with concepts and tools from the world's leading change experts , stages of change and dealing with resistance.
Build and center your teamwork activities around the empowerment and involvement of frontline workers on a common set of targets to drive continuous improvement and sustainable performance.
Understand how to develop a road map and an implementation plan for lean implementation.