Achieving Enterprise Excellence
This course is designed to teach the principles of Total Productive Maintenance and Quick Changeover (SMED). TPM and SMED are two essential ingredients in a lean manufacturing program. The TPM system addresses production operation with a solid, team-based proactive program. It helps eliminate losses from breakdowns, defects, and accidents and improves Overall Equipment Effectiveness (OEE).
The SMED system for quick changeover is a three-phase system aimed at reducing changeover time on equipment; this allows for smaller batches and less inventory throughout the value stream.
Improved Productivity / Equipment Uptime
Improved Quality
Smaller Batches / Fewer Inventories
Improved Ability to Respond to Customer Needs.
Reducing non-conforming products
Reducing material damage
Reducing scrape
Improving PPM
Reducing raw material Inventory
Reducing FG inventory
Maintenance and Quality Maintenance
TPM Pillars
OEE (Total equipment effectiveness)
QCO and SMED definition
QCO Principles
Course Contents
Course Duration
A Three-days session
Who Should Attend?
-This course is designed for manufacturing and plant managers, production control managers and supervisors, materials managers and analysts, manufacturing and industrial engineers & industrial managers.